Living for 32 is the inspirational story of Colin Goddard, a survivor of the tragic gun shooting massacre which occurred on the campus of Virginia Tech on April 16th, 2007.
A film about the 32 murdered in the tragic Virginia Tech shooting. And the 32 people killed by guns everyday in America.
Living for 32 is the inspirational story of Colin Goddard, a survivor of the tragic gun shooting massacre which occurred on the campus of Virginia Tech on April 16th, 2007.
THE UNITED STATES leads the world in gun homicides and gun deaths. Our federal and state laws are full of loopholes that make it easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons. Help make a difference today!
CLICK HERE to HOST a screening of Living for 32 in your community
CLICK HERE to WATCH undercover video of buyers avoiding background checks at gun shows
CLICK HERE to tell us how you feel about stronger gun laws.
CLICK HERE to EMPOWER survivors to share their stories and take action
Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America
The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus
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